From market research beforehand, to navigating administrative and legal hurdles, let the MAHA Group be your one-stop solution.

New Business Development Consulting

We help international companies wishing to bring their business into Japan with all aspects of this process, from market research beforehand, to navigating administrative and legal hurdles, as well as crafting effective digital marketing.

Market Research

Whether in evaluating market size, finding potential customers, identifying competitors, or conducting any other such research to determine the viability of your product or service, our staff offer complete and seamless support in English*.

*Other languages are also available upon request.

Administrative, Legal & Cultural Requirements

In preparation for setting up your branch office, we can introduce English-speaking labor consultants, accounting services, as well as law offices to cover any sort of administrative and legal requirements you may encounter.

Perhaps just as important, however, is understanding the complexities of Japanese business culture. Drawing on our years of experience in Japan as well as our extensive background in tourism and cultural consulting, we help our clients navigate Japan’s unique business environment.

Digital Marketing

Now more than ever, a well-executed digital marketing strategy is key to ensure the long-term survival of a new business in Japan. Our team at HISUILABO has extensive experience in providing clients large and small with unique branding, web-design, digital marketing & content solutions, and will help you craft an appropriate corporate identity to match the Japanese market.

Expanding your business into Japan? Let the MAHA Group be your one-stop solution